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Blog Archives 2020

Posted by Laura Hunt on

The links below are from Laura Hunt's previous website.

May 26, 2020. Why I killed the cat. This post demonstrates how one particular painting made its way into being. You’ll see images that mark the journey, full of missteps...

May 13, 2020. Wallow, then rise. How artists are living their lives during this public health crisis is as varied as their DNA. Most are....

March 20, 2020. Studio life, self-isolation and hope. COVID-19 has ushered in a whole new world for all of us, to state the obvious. Everyone is adjusting, whether it’s learning how to work...

March 2, 2020. Naming the baby. Titling my work is not an afterthought, but a significant step in my art-making. However, there are times when I struggle...

Jan. 23, 2020. Linking studio to communityMy last post was an exercise in reflection of the year just past, to find themes and threads that linked...

Jan. 6, 2020. A Janus look at 2019's work. January inspires reflection and anticipation. I’m reminded of January’s namesake, the Roman god Janus, known for