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Anyone Can Draw

Did you stop drawing as a child because someone said you had no talent?
Do you have trouble drawing a stick figure? A straight line?
Do you wish you could draw what you see, but believe it's impossible because you're untalented?

As you may have guessed, I believe that drawing is a teachable, learnable skill that has little to do with talent and everything to do with desire and persistence. To put my energy where my mouth is, I'm designing a class for adult beginners who have those two things: a desire to learn and an attitude of persistence. 

"I have not seen what I have not drawn." --Goethe

Seeing is key to drawing. And seeing--observation--enhances our experience of the world around us. 

Reserve your seat here. (Space is limited.)

See class outline and schedule here.

If you're not ready to register for the class, but would like to be on a waiting list, let me know at this link.

Express your interest here.